GMIT Prospectus 2021/22

Why Study Engineering? GMIT offers a variety of engineering disciplines - Agricultural, Biomedical, Civil, Energy, Manufacturing, Mechanical and Software and Electronic Engineering. These disciplines have three things in common: 1. The engineering approach to solving problems with a technical solution involves an analysis of the problem and the generation of potential solutions. Engineers use the scientific method (well tried and tested methods), to design and test their technical solutions. 2. To be effective, engineers work with many different kinds of professional men and women, so an engineer’s communications skills are very important, often working as part of a team with engineers from other disciplines and other professions, such as planners, cost accountants, supply and logistics experts, suppliers of services and systems, architects, materials experts, test specialists, quantity surveyors, clients, customers, and so on. 3. Engineers work in companies, small to large, including the public service, and carry out a variety of functions. Many engineers work in the design and development function . The design of new machines, civil works (such as bridges, highways, water supply and drainage), software systems, automation systems – the variety is endless, involves developing a solution or design to solve the client’s problem. This may involve developing existing technologies to provide solutions to new problems. Alternatively, it may involve the adaptation of existing technology for different conditions or to make it more effective or efficient. The research function involves engineers working on new ways of doing things, for example, developing new materials with superior performance to replace old materials, which will contribute to the development of new superior products or systems. The construction or manufacturing functions : The design for a new high-rise building has to be translated into a new building – many civil engineers often specialise in the construction of building or civil works. Engineers working in manufacturing specify and monitor how the components of new products are manufactured, assembled, and tested. Engineers working in the maintenance function ensure that machines, systems, processes, and civil works continue to function as designed and built until the end of their life. For example, a civil engineer may be responsible for the maintenance of a city water supply so that it continues to work effectively, a software engineer on the maintenance of a software or automation system so that it does not fail. Engineers also work in marketing, sales, and training functions , as many engineering systems require engineering knowledge to market and sell the product or service, and to train people to use them. Many engineers often specialise in project management - the management of the team of engineers or specialists working to achieve the project goals within the required time – this often leads on to engineering or general management career opportunities. The Hungarian engineer von Karmann said: “Scientists discover the world that exists; engineers create the world that never was.” Engineers are in a privileged position as their products and services improve the quality of people’s lives. What other professions can affect so many people and influence how they lead their lives?

Learning Pathway

Level 7

Bachelor Degree

3 Years (or 2 + 1)

Level 8

Honours Bachelor Degree

4 Years (or 3 + 1)

Level 9 / 10

Masters Degree / PhD Degree


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